Sunday, December 07, 2008


crazy! i was just lurking around the internet and i found these sets of stickers. when i saw them, it was the first time i had seen them before. the graphic is one that we have had printed but i'd never seen this colorway before. nuts! anyways, these are the last sets of stickers we are waiting on from our printer AOD. we have a few more colorways on their way.

the first wave of supplies have gone out to numerous street teamers, we have more soldiers than expected but always appreciate and have room for more. if you are interested in joining, get at us HERE with your name and shipping address.

also, we are doing a few collab' slaps with our printer, and our slaps are going to be featured at Peel Here '08, which i posted in regards to a few days back. head over to the show if you have free time,

1993 Blake St.
Los Angeles, CA 90039

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