Saturday, June 21, 2008


yesterday and today i was lucky enough to receive stickers from the 3 of the many different street teams and crews i represent.

first up are the T.W.O.'s slaps that T.W.O. O.C. sent me for my current street team supplies for the week. the reason for the smaller amount of stickers again, is because i am a new member and also FM$ didn't send our team a huge amount this time around.

second up are a ton of Rogue Status/DTA stickers that my good buddy GUNN@R (DTA) sent me. this guy is hands down - one of the nicest kids i have ever met. he hooked it up big! thanxxx GUNN@R!

lastly are my Grenade Army stickers and stencils. i get them about every month and it is really cool how they come in a 'top secret' miliarty looking type of envelope.

anyways, pictures of these posted up will be coming soon after they are bombed. stay tuned...

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