Wednesday, June 18, 2008


ok, last months sticker package contest was more than overwhelming and since it was so great - i kept mentioning i was going to start giving away gear. this contest has been getting a fair amount of comments but it seems as though some of you may have missed the post since it's been buried under numerous other posts - so i decided to repost.

i've been promising this REBEL8 tee giveaway for over a month but the time has finally come! these shirts (along with a few other) were given to me personally by Joshy D. who co-owns REBEL8 w/ Mike Giant and also is the business end of the operation. both shirts cannot be purchased anywhere else and are out of print and sold out. i set these two shirts aside for this contest. instead of selling them (which wouldn't be right since they were given to me) i figured to keep good faith - i would give them away to a lucky and loyal reader.

if you aren't familiar with my contests - to enter - you must post a comment on ANY of the blogs posts. although they are not discouraged - multiple entries/comment posts will not increase your chances of winning. you can post as many times as you want but it will not increase your odds.

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