today my Digital Gravel Digger's Society shirt came. i've explained what the Digger's Society is all about and i will explain once again. basically, it is a club of sorts that receives an exclusive and ultra limited-edition tee every month. space in the group is limited and production runs of the tees are guaranteed to be limited to insure that the tee will be rare. this is my 5th delivery and today's limited-edition/exclusive was by a fairly unknown brand called Subject/Predicate from the 'Yay' area. *correction* the tee is pretty tight and features the apparent image of 'Big L.' with a 'Diggin' 4 Life' chain piece around his neck. expect more from Subject/Predicate in the future.
*note to anonymous in the Bronx* The Digger's Society is a club in which a shirt is sent monthly. you don't choose the shirt and you have no idea what is being sent. anonymous is right dumb-ass.

Haha, I know what it is, I been a member since 06 when it started with the Hundreds. I was simply correcting the fact you thought it was Spike Lee when it is clearly a image of Big L from the cover of The Big Picture. Being that L is deceased figured it would be right to let you know what you are rocking. You should also note that the diggin reference is to his crew D.I.T.C(Diggin in the Crates).
Where would I become a member of this club, I made two shipments from DigitalGravel....
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