Wednesday, April 16, 2008


here is a pic of one of my readers - Chris. the picture is of him wearing the Rogue Status - 'AWOL' shirt that i sent him. you can get free stuff too! all you have to do is comment on any of the posts! the current contest right now is for an assorted sticker pack that i will personally piece together. the response has been pretty good but i would like to see new people posting comments. posting more than once WILL NOT increase your chances of winning but i AM NOT discouraging posting less. the winner will be chosen on Wednesday - April 30th and will be announced on the blog. the winner has a week to contact me - otherwise another comment poster will be chosen. if the response to this contest is good enough - i have set aside a set of 4 REBEL8 shirts as prizes for the next one. good luck!


Kaitlyn said...

chris told me about that...Get more people into the contest, lets see more readers/commenters/supporters!

Anonymous said...

Good looking out hooking up Chris!!