Monday, April 14, 2008

Mario Kart Wii April 27th

i am not a huge video-gamer but I DID buy the Xbox 360 solely for GTAIV (which has not even released yet) and bought the Wii for Mario Kart (which has not released yet either). Mario Kart is a game i grew up playing and is finally/officially being released on the 27th of April. all of the games i play for the Wii are all of the old school/downloadable Nintendo games (Pac-Man, Super Mario Bros., Mike Tyson's Punch-Out).

i also got to play one of these suckers on Saturday afternoon. i looked into buying one and they are going for $16,000!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also cant wait for Mario Kart Wii to come out. I too remember growing up playing the one for nitendo 64. It looks like its gonna be fun with a stearing wheel that it comes with.