Friday, March 28, 2008

Junior Bonner x Steve Mcqueen

haha. confused by the title? yeah, i am fucking cheesy as fuck - i couldn't think of a better title so i just went with it, ok?! and yes, i am usually up that late - i am an insomniac, what do you expect?!

actually, all of the t.v. show/movies on the list were sorta weird. the movie 'can't stop the music' is a movie starring Bruce Jenner that explains the story behind The Village People. 'a brothers kiss' just sounded too fucking weird to even want to know what it was about, same thing for 'saddle pals', 'springtime in the rockies' was just about the only normal sounding title, and 'i heart hukabees' sounded to retarded to want to know about either.

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