Saturday, July 19, 2008


it has come time for this years Vader Project. as of right now - the show has touched down in Tokyo, Japan. the show starts today (July 19th) and runs through July 21st. last year's show swung through LA at the Los Angeles Convention Center and there were too many artists who participated to list so i'll just list my favorite: Mike Giant, Mister Cartoon, Buff Monster, Alex Pardee, Brian Morris, Gary Baseman, Steven Daily, DALEK, Bob Dob, Huck Gee, Ron English, Scarecrow, The Pizz, Sket-One, Estevan Oriol, Mars-1, Marka27, MAD, Joe Ledbetter, Tristan Eaton (creator of the Dunny), Joe Hahn, David Flores, Tim Biskup, Andrew Bell, Attaboy, Winston Smith, Jeff Soto, and Urban Medium. all of these artists are included in this year's show.

since this year's show has moved to Japan - a very impressive list of Japanese artist include: Chino, Dehara, T9G, Devil Robots, Bounty Hunter, Mad Barbarians, Gargamel, Mori Chack, RealxHead, Secret Base, Itokin Park, Yoko d'Holbachie, Touma, and last but certainly not least - Usugrow!

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